So, since my thoughts are thoughtless and my husband commonly known on this site as "BlueDev" is insisting I blog with him (actually I don't really mind, I'm just really dumb and didn't know how to go about it), I shall now proceed to write my first blog with the really long sentences that comprise most of my writing (except lists, of course... you know: grocery and to do). Its pretty pathetic that all my brain can hold right now is one nonsensical sentence, but I am pregnant (that is the ultimate excuse for everything at the moment) and suffer from mommy brain most of the time. I don't know what mommy brain is exactly, but for me, its what your mind experiences after it has been exposed to large amounts of 2 year old screaming in a short period of time and when it finally stops, the sounds echo in your head for hours afterward, impairing any sort of ability you may have to think, or complete a sentence, or carry on any kind of adult conversation. This can also happen with 5-year-old whining as well. The results are the same.
Okay, so this concludes my first blog ever. (It can't just be "my first blog"). The ever is very important (comparable to the 1/2 of a 5 and 1/2 year-old). I hope that no one's IQ drops from reading these ramblings.